Goose Hunting Sticks

$15 For a 5 Pack of Styx. - SORRY GUYS, WE'VE SOLD OUT DUE TO LOCAL DEMAND!- More being made right now!

If you want to place a back-order for Goosestyx, please contact us.

Goosestyx Sentry

I don’t know anyone who hasn’t propped up the heads of harvested geese with corn stalks to create temporary “stuffer” decoys. It works…kinda, but only when you are in corn. Having a bunch of resters out there (harvested geese with their head under their wing) never looks bad, but we like variety and realism.

After a two years of testing GOOSESTYX we also found one very remarkable thing happening. Birds finished far more often after we had a fair amount of “stuffers” out in the spread, often landing directly next to the harvested birds; particularly the sentries.

I’ve seen people try coat hangers(which are too thin and weak), tomato sticks, and quite a few other things. I have even seen pointed metal stakes pushed into the underside of the skull, but I am leery of this because hunting buddies do slip and fall and hunting dogs are unpredictable. A good day out hunting is generally one that doesn’t end with a medical or veterinary emergency.

In collaboration with my friend Matt at MW Goose Hunting Products, we bring you GOOSESTYX. They are made from robust 0.15 inch thickness steel with a much safer U shaped cradle for the skull that firmly holds your bagged game in place. Frozen ground isn't an issue either; with a foot peg to inject the GOOSESTYX into the ground, it would be a very cold day when you couldn’t get these babies in. Also, the lower part is painted orange so they are easier to find.

These Styx will last you a lifetime, and you can repaint them as often as you feel is necessary.

Goose Stuffer Stick
Goose Hunting Styx
Eight Goosestyx

*At Branta we generally do not depict harvested game, and especially so for the purposes of aggrandization because we respect the game, and we uphold the duty to present our sport as a respectful pursuit. However, it is necessary to demonstrate this product. So, after careful consideration of the imagery, and ascertaining that it doesn’t fall into the category of “look how cool I am with this limit of birds,” we are giving this page a pass.